Berkeley Gold CBD


Over the past 70 years, science has continued to propel cannabis to the forefront of our everyday lives, not to mention, science has been one of the greatest truth advocates for cannabis. The discovery of cannabinoids and a scientific understanding of how they affect the body have been vital to the cannabis world. Dating back to the 1960’s, scientists were able to separate the individual cannabinoids and study each one of those cannabinoids with greater detail. Major cannabinoids such as CBD and THC were isolated while additional cannabinoids such as CBG, CBC, CBN and many others, were also identified. This gave researchers a platform to truly grasp the nature of each compound. One in particular, CBG, will be in the subject of this article. Before we go into too much detail, let’s give a little recap on how cannabinoids work.

By definition, cannabinoids are chemical compounds produced by the cannabis flowers. They work their magic by interacting with the Endocannabinoid system, a network of receptors found in the central & peripheral nervous systems, brain, immune cells, fat, and muscle. This correspondence plays a crucial role in your body’s biological functions, affecting sleep, pain, inflammation, etc…

In 1964, Israeli researchers discovered the non-psychoactive compound known as CBG, the first cannabinoid to develop in cannabis at harvest, earning the nickname “The Mother of Cannabinoids”. After discovery, the potential medicinal benefits of this cannabinoid were realized.

The human eye is full of endocannabinoid receptors, allowing cannabinoids to have a substantial impact on that area. With this knowledge, CBG in particular is thought to hold a large influence amongst all cannabinoids. By reducing intraocular pressure and accelerating the draining of eye fluids, conditions such as glaucoma may be alleviated. A study conducted by the Department of Ophthalmology at West Virginia Health Sciences Center North in Morgantown uncovered, “…Both CBG and THC produced a two-to-three-fold increase in aqueous outflow facility. These results suggest that cannabigerol (CBG) and related cannabinoids may have therapeutic potential for the treatment of glaucoma.”

Many also believe that CBG may carry anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties. Research indicates that CBG may be one of the most effective mechanisms in combating methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, one of the most prevalent hospital superbugs.

In addition, CBG’s ability to demonstrate anti-tumor properties look promising. Studies done by Cannabics Pharmaceuticals have shown encouraging results on human Gastrointestinal cancer cells. Dr. Eyal Ballan noted, “Gastrointestinal cancers are amongst the leading and most wide-spread causes of cancer-related deaths worldwide…We believe that these preliminary results vindicate our vision; which is to bring personalization into cannabinoid-based cancer treatments.”

Finally, CBG is thought to be effective as an appetite stimulant. In a study published by the US National Institute of Health, test subjects were given either a dosage of CBG or a placebo. Subjects given CBG doubled their food intake. No change occurred in the subjects given the placebo. As research continues with this cannabinoid, the vast benefits are promising. Although not as popular in the mainstream as it’s cousins, CBD or THC, the medical community has shown an increase in research focus with CBG, and other lesser known cannabinoids, and continue to unlock its therapeutic qualities.


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